Commonly Ignored Symptoms That An Orthopedist Really Should Address
There is something to be said for being tough, but there is also a fine line between being tough and being irresponsible with your health. This is especially true when it comes to orthopedic injuries. A lot of people have niggling aches, pains, and shortcomings that they shrub off and push through, but that are really signs of injuries or ailments. The following are some key examples. If you experience any of the following problems, it's a good idea to stop pushing past the problem and instead see an orthopedist.
Trouble raising your arm all of the way.
Do you feel like your range of motion in your arm or arms has been reduced? Maybe you can no longer make full shoulder circles or raise your arm all of the way, so you just avoid doing those things. This is often a sign of a torn rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a series of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support your shoulder in its socket. A torn rotator cuff can be surgically repaired, and these days, the surgery is usually done arthroscopically through small incisions.
Tinging in your fingers and wrists.
Tinging in the extremities is sometimes an early sign of a neurological condition like MS. But if the tingling is only in your hands and happens after you've used your hands a lot, it is more likely that you are developing carpal tunnel. This is a condition in which the tissues surrounding the carpal nerve swell and put pressure on that nerve, leading to impingement. Eventually, it will become quite painful and may interfere with your use of your wrist. So, see an orthopedist about it now, when it can likely be managed with cortisone injections and perhaps some physical therapy.
Aches in your hips.
Do your hips ache after running, walking, or standing on your feet all day? This is not a normal sign of aging as some people might tell you. Rather, it probably means you have a condition such as trochanteric bursitis or tendinitis. Usually, these conditions can be cleared up with some steroid injections and exercises to strengthen the muscles around your hips. There is no reason to keep suffering in pain when an orthopedist can help you with non-invasive measures.
These are some of the most common types of pain and discomfort people endure unnecessarily, but they are not all of them. If you suspect something is not normal, contact an orthopedic service.