5 Treatment Options For Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes your breathing to stop and restart several times during your sleep cycle. Common symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, gasping for air, feeling tired during the day, and headaches in the morning. If you have recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea, there is help available.
Here are some treatment options for sleep apnea to think about.
CPAP Machine
CPAP machines are one of the most common ways to treat sleep apnea and involve sending pressurized air to your airways. They can prevent your breathing from getting interrupted, helping you get a better night's rest. These machines can also reduce your blood pressure and prevent daytime sleepiness. Although wearing the mask may be a little uncomfortable at first, you will adjust to it.
Oral Devices
Another common treatment option for sleep apnea is oral devices. If you put a mouthpiece in your mouth, it will hold your jaw and tongue in place, which will ultimately relieve pressure from your windpipe.
Lose Weight
If you are overweight right now, you may want to lose some weight. Excess weight can put pressure on your airways, making your sleep apnea symptoms worse. You can drop weight by reducing your calories and exercising most days of the week. Stick to healthy foods, like fish, chicken, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and try to avoid fried and fatty foods.
Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
If you frequently drink alcoholic beverages, it can make your sleep apnea worse. When you drink alcohol, it can relax your throat muscles, which can block your airways and cause interrupted sleep. That is why it may be wise to reduce your alcohol intake, especially late at night.
If your sleep apnea does not respond to conventional treatments, it may be time to consider surgery. There are several surgical options for people with sleep apnea, such as tissue removal. In this procedure, a surgeon will take out some tissue from the back of your mouth and the top of your throat. Other surgical options include implants, jaw repositioning, and nerve stimulation. Your doctor can help you decide if surgery is the right option for you or not.
Having sleep apnea is not always easy, but it is possible to manage it. If you need help managing your sleep apnea, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. They can discuss treatment options with you. Contact a local sleep apnea treatment clinic to learn more.