Neurology Workup Components For Chronic Vertigo

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If you suffer from chronic vertigo, you may be unable to effectively perform your activities of daily living. Vertigo refers to an unpleasant sensation that feels like you are spinning in motion, or about to fall. It typically causes balance problems and may be accompanied by nausea, anxiety, and visual disturbances. Because vertigo can be caused by certain brain conditions, a neurological examination may be warranted if your symptoms persist. Here are some neurology workup components you can expect when visiting a neurology specialist. 

Comprehensive Medical History

Your neurology specialist will take a detailed medical history from you to try to uncover the reason for your vertigo. They will ask you if you recently had an upper respiratory infection or an ear infection because these conditions are some of the most common reasons for vertigo.

Infections can cause the buildup of fluid in your ears, causing eustachian tube dysfunction and subsequent vertigo. You may also be asked if you have a history of migraine headaches and your doctor may ask if your migraines are preceded by auras. In addition, your neurology specialist may ask you if your vertigo is accompanied by other symptoms such as numbness and tingling sensations, headaches, weakness in your arms or legs, and confusion.

Cranial Nerve Assessment And Physical Examination

Your cranial nerves may also be assessed by the neurology specialist. Cranial nerves include your facial nerve, trigeminal nerve, ocular nerve, auditory nerve, and glossopharyngeal nerve. You may also be asked to stick out your tongue so that the doctor can check for any abnormal movement. In addition, the brain specialist may also examine your eyes to determine if your pupils are equal in size and assess how they react when the light from a penlight is shown upon them.

During your physical examination, the doctor may examine your ears for signs of infection such as redness, inflammation, discharge, and a ruptured eardrum because if these signs as present, the physician may suspect that your vertigo is related to an ear problem. The neurology specialist may also ask you to walk back and forth so that they can assess your gait to see if it is unsteady and to assess your balance and equilibrium.

If you have chronic vertigo, make an appointment with a neurologist specialist. If your cranial nerve assessment and physical examination reveal abnormal findings, your physician may recommend further testing such as diagnostic imaging tests. Once the cause of your vertigo has been identified, an effective treatment plan can be implemented. 

Contact a medical service like North Texas Neuroscience Center PA to learn more.
