3 Circumstances When You Might Need To Replace Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are one of the most advanced technologies available on the market today. They can help improve your hearing and make it easier to communicate with those around you. However, they're not immune to damage or wear and tear. If your hearing aids are damaged or worn out, it may be time to replace them with new ones. You may also need to replace the devices if they have exhausted their lifespan or if you have outgrown them. Knowing when to replace the devices can make your life easier and improve your hearing. This guide explains three circumstances when you might need to replace your hearing aids.
You Have Outgrown Your Current Hearing Aids
Hearing aids work by amplifying sound waves to make it easier for you to hear. As your ears grow and change over time, so do the needs for your hearing aids. For example, if you were fitted with a small-sized hearing aid when you were young, that same size may be too small for you now that you're older and have larger ear canals. If your hearing aids no longer fit or are too uncomfortable to wear, it may be time to replace them.
Malfunctioning Hearing Aids
Hearing loss is a progressive condition that can worsen over time if left untreated or unaddressed by medical professionals who specialize in treating it (such as audiologists). The longer you wait before replacing worn-out or malfunctioning you could risk compromising your hearing ability. If your hearing aids aren't working properly, it can be frustrating. They may not be amplifying the sounds you want them to amplify or they may be making other noises such as whistling or static. If this is the case, you should take your hearing aids back to the audiologist and have them checked out. The audiologist may be able to fix the problem or recommend new hearing aids.
You've Had Your Hearing Aids for Several Years
Most hearing aids come with a specific lifespan of several years; they may last a little longer if you take good care of them and follow all the recommended maintenance procedures. However, once your hearing aids have exhausted their lifespan, it's wise to get new hearing aids because they may no longer be as effective at improving your hearing as they were when they were new. The devices may begin to develop poor sound quality and feedback from background noise.
Having properly functioning and fitting hearing aids all the time can help improve your hearing and make communication easier. If your devices are malfunctioning, damaged, or have exhausted their lifespan, it's important to get them replaced as soon as possible. You should visit your audiologist to check the devices to determine if they need replacing and the ideal replacement.
For more information on hearing aids, contact a professional near you.