See The Signs And Symptoms Of Glaucoma

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Glaucoma is diagnosed during your eye exam; the early symptoms may go unnoticed so screening is imperative to catch the condition early. Early treatment can preserve vision and reduce symptoms, though glaucoma itself is irreversible and incurable.

Stay informed about glaucoma and know the following:


There are risks associated with high blood pressure and one of these is glaucoma. Eye pressure is basically the blood pressure of your eyes, which leads to glaucoma. When testing your eye pressure, lower numbers are what you want, and an average pressure reading is usually in the mid-teens.   


Just as there are ways to reduce your blood pressure with diet and exercise, you may have success in lowering your eye-pressure numbers the same way. There are some compelling reports of people reversing glaucoma symptoms and restoring vision by switching to a plant-based or raw-food diet. Consult with your eye provider and primary physician before making such major lifestyle change.  


If you are at risk of glaucoma, or if you have been diagnosed with early-onset glaucoma, there are steps that you can take to prevent further vision loss or symptoms. Typically, your eye doctor will prescribe daily drops which are to be used at bedtime and that can make your vision blurry after using them. These are to help lower your eye-pressure and curb progression of this disease.


Once you are diagnosed with glaucoma, you will always have the condition, though there are some ways to slow down vision loss and prevent blindness available. These are usually methods or medications that aim to lower the blood pressure in your eyes, such as surgical procedures or laser treatments. Talk with your eye doctor about your options as well as less-invasive alternatives, such as medical cannabis, that has shown efficacy at slowing down the progression of this disease.


Make sure to talk to your provider about testing for glaucoma and evaluating your eye pressure during eye exams. This typically involves holding a meter up near the eye as it provides a numerical reading. If you are at risk due to genetic conditions such as a family history of diabetes or glaucoma, this test will likely be offered to you and suggested by your eye professional.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure and have your eye doctor test your ocular blood pressure as well. This may help detect any signs of glaucoma early enough that treatment can curb vision loss. Speak with your doctor at your next eye exam about any changes in vision that you have noticed or excessive tearing, which could both be signs of early-onset glaucoma.
