It's Time To Go In: 3 Signs You May Need IV Fluids

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No one likes going to the doctor's office. It's not fun, it usually costs a lot, and it can be painful. Going to the hospital can be even worse on all accounts. However, they are there for a reason. Sometimes it is necessary to just bite the bullet and get the help that your body, or the body of your loved one needs. Everyone could be affected with one of the ailments that will be discussed in this list, from children to seniors, those suffering from a disease, the weak, the pregnant, or the temporarily sick.

While it is important to try and protect yourself and your family against things that could potentially make you sick (flu shots are always a good idea), sometimes people just get sick. It really happens to everyone. However, not everyone needs to go to the hospital. Here are a few indicators that things have gone from bad to worse and you may need some help. 

1-Uncontrollable Vomiting. Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that everyone throws up every once in a while. Some are luckier than others and have a strong gag reflex, making them more likely to vomit. However, if an individual cannot keep anything at all down for 24 hours, has lost more than 10 pounds during pregnancy, or has begun to suffer other, more serious symptoms, it is time to seek help. More serious symptoms include a fever of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, passing out, seizing, or throwing up blood. Any of these symptoms could indicate a more serious problem and need medical attention.

2-Uncontrollable Diarrhea. Diarrhea is another common ailment which can lead to IV hydration, especially in young children. If an adult has had diarrhea for two days straight, or a child has had severe diarrhea for 24 hours, it is time to seek medical attention. Children can become dehydrated quickly, and that can cause serious problems. Other reasons IV hydration might be necessary after diarrhea is if more serious symptoms develop such as blood, pus, black stools, dizziness or fainting, or a fever of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. 

3-Dehydration. Dehydration can cause a multitude of other problems, including dizziness, headaches, low blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Since 75% of our bodies are made up of water, it is crucial that we stay hydrated. If you or someone you care for is becoming dehydrated, call your doctor or go to the emergency room. 

For more information, contact a company like NUVO YOU today.
