3 Pain-Free Signs Of An Ear Infection That May Surprise You

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If you have pain in the ear, it is most likely due to an infection that can be treated with antibiotics. These infections account for an estimated 15 to 30 million visits to the doctor each year, so it is easy to see how common they are. While pain is most common, ear infections can cause other symptoms that many patients find surprising. Using this guide, you will learn a few surprising symptoms of ear infections to ensure you receive efficient and effective treatment.


Infections cause irritation and inflammation inside the inner components of the ear, affecting both the tissue and connecting nerves. This irritation does cause discomfort, but it also prevents your brain from transmitting sensory information. This results in vertigo.

Vertigo causes a feeling of uneasiness, making you experience dizziness and nausea while also having blurred vision. In severe cases, vertigo can lead to vomiting, fainting, dehydration, and falling.

Vertigo does not always stem from infection of the inner ear, so consult your doctor if you are experiencing any signs of this disorder.

Jaw Swelling

Inflammation from the infection causes the inner and outer ear to swell, as well. Over time, the swelling will spread, eventually affecting your jawbone. Swelling of the jaw is uncomfortable, but it can also lead to headaches and difficulty chewing and eating.

The swelling can be so severe, opening and closing your mouth may not be possible without clicking and popping of the jaw's joint.

If you are noticing slight swelling in the jaw area that is preventing you from chewing without pain and discomfort, you may have an ear infection.


Enlarged adenoids are a common cause of ear infections, but most people are not familiar with these small patches of tissue in the back of the throat.

Adenoids, along with your tonsils, work as part of your immune system, helping your body prevent and fight off infections and other illnesses.

 If an ear infection spreads to your tonsils or adenoids, the tissue will swell up in the back of the throat. Swallowing food will be challenging, but the swollen adenoids will also cause you to snore while sleeping.

If you have suddenly begun to snore at night, your adenoids may be swollen due to an infection in the ear.

Pain in and around the ear is the most common signs of an ear infection, but you may experience these surprising symptoms, as well. With proper understanding and a quick diagnosis, you can treat your ear infection effectively.

If you have any of the above symptoms and suspect an ear infection or something else, talk to doctors at clinics like the Snow Creek Medical Center.
