2 Stretches That May Help Relieve Your Neck Pain

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Neck pain is a problem that can cause discomfort, mobility issues, and headaches, and it is often a result of weak or misused muscles in the back and neck. Learning how to perform the right types of stretching exercises could help you strengthen your muscles in this area of your body, and this could help you relieve the pain you are experiencing. Here are two stretching exercises you may want to try each day to find natural relief.

Basic neck exercise

A good exercise to start can be done almost anywhere at any time, and you can perform this while sitting or standing. To begin, drop your head back as far as it can go so you are looking straight up in the air. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then move your head forward so your chin is almost touching your chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat several times.

This exercise will stretch your neck muscles, which may cause them to loosen up and become stronger. In addition to this, you can also perform a similar exercise by letting your head drop to your left side (by your shoulder). Hold this for 10 seconds and repeat by placing your head toward your right shoulder.

Shoulder blade exercise

If you have a lot of neck pain, it is likely that you will also feel pain in your shoulder blades. Neck pain often occurs from improper use of the muscles in your neck. Because of this, the muscles in your shoulder blades are likely to become sore too. To relieve this pain, you can try a basic shoulder blade exercise, which you can do sitting or standing.

To begin, lift your shoulders up slightly. Next, push them backwards and push your chest out. You should try to bend your shoulders back in a way like you are trying to make your shoulders touch each other. While they will not be able to touch, this exercise will help loosen the muscles in your shoulder blades, and this might help you relieve the pain you feel in your shoulder blades and neck.

If you have chronic back or neck pain and exercises are not providing enough relief, you may want to talk to your doctor about other options. There are a variety of ways to treat this type of pain, and your doctor can help you decide which options are right for you.
