3 Signs You Might Have Parkinson's Disease

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If you've had issues with mobility lately, you may be trying to self-diagnose.Unless you know you have Parkinson's disease or you know someone who has it, you are probably not very familiar with it. Parkinson's disease is a chronic neurological disease that impacts the movement of the body. Here are three signs that you might have it or start developing it.

Difficulty Walking or Moving

It's normal to get stiff muscles and joints if you have been strenuously exercising or have recently pulled a muscle, but the stiffness should heal after a few days. If you find that you are stiff or sore in any place in your body and that the stiffness never seems to feel better or heal, it may be an early sign of Parkinson's disease. If you have a hard time walking or moving or feel stiff when trying to move, you could have this serious disease. You should get it checked out by a medical professional just to make sure what it is or what it could signify.

Becoming Dizzy and Fainting

Everyone has experienced dizzy spells, especially when standing up too fast from sitting, but if you notice it happening on a more frequent and regular basis, it could be a sign of PD, caused by low blood pressure.

People with Parkinson's disease are more likely to have Orthostatic Hypotension (low blood pressure), and can be dizzy often and even faint because of it. If you have noticed that you do not quickly go from having a dizzy spell to feeling normal after standing up, and your dizziness continues, have a neurological specialist take your blood pressure. It's important that he or she tests it while you are lying down, sitting up, and standing up.

Know that medication for PD can also cause low blood pressure, too. So talk to your doctor about how to handle dizzy spells and prevent injuries from loss of balance or fainting.


There are mixed reviews about depression being a cause of or leading to PD. Studies have shown that people with depression and people taking antidepressants have sometimes gone on to get Parkinson's disease. That doesn't necessarily mean that if you suffer from depression or have in the past that you will definitely get PD, it just means that you could. Parkinson's disease is a neurological condition that affects the dopamine  and movement control in the brain. It is difficult to completely understand.

If you are concerned that you could possibly have Parkinson's disease, see your physician. He or she will refer you to a neurological specialist based on your symptoms. A neurological services and treatment specialist will diagnose you if you have the disease, and work out a personalized plan of how you can deal with the symptoms you have and slow the progression of any symptoms that may follow.
